Richland Feed Compnay
Bucks Co. | Pennsylvania | USA
Watersource: Non water-powered, electricity.
Richland Feed Compnay
Turn right from northbound Pa 313 in the southern edge of Quakertown onto Pa 212/N. Hellertown Ave. Follow Pa 212 as it Changes to Tohickon Ave., Richlandtown Pike, then Main St. in Richlandtown. The mill is on the left at 18 N. Main St. about a block past the separation of Main St. from Pa 212 which veers to the right.

Richland Feed Company at 18 N. Main St., Richlandtown, Pa.

The main, narrow, three story brick sructure was built in 1878 as a shoe factory.

The closest brick structure was added some where along the way and in 2007, was functioning as a hay and straw storage barn.

A view of the mill portion, the old shoe factory as it were, of the complex from under the bricked connecting structure joining the main mill building and the hay barn.

The mill came into being as a business about 1950. The photo is the hay barn section, taken from under the connecting brickwork.

The rear portion of the first floor, still an active mill for mixing feeds of various blends, bagging and stitching the sacks, and stacking the feed sacks in the warehouse for sale to customers.

The bag stitcher and scales, with some finished sacks ready to be carted to warehouse storage.

Some sacks stacked in the warehouse. Omolene 100, Equine Senior, and pulverized limestone among some of the products in the warehouse. Most of the feeds cater to horse owners with other feeds for rabbits, chickens and some cattle feeds. Notice the lineshafts in the gable peak of the warehouse and also the hand feed truck or cart.

The rear of the Richland Feed Co. complex. A smoke stack might suggest the former shoe factory may have been steam powered at some point. Also semi trailers are being used also as feed storage.

Old photo of the mill still operated as a shoe factory c. 1930's? The main front portion of the mill structure is the current feed store.