Great Mill Related Links

Franklin County Historical Society, Franklin Co., Pa
The society is responsible for various hiastorical properties in the county and is dedicated to the preservation of such historical properties and information for future generations.
Fe`de`ration Des Moulins de France
A website with the objective of communicating the heritage of French mills to the public and a means of communication between those who are working to ensure protection and preservation of these mill properties. The site is visited by about 10,000 hits a month.
War Eagle Mill
The splash of an 18-foot waterwheel adds to the melody of the river. Inside, the mill stones grind cornmeal daily from organically grown grain. Cornmeal, flours, Buckwheat, meals, and whole grain products line the
Men of all ages, from all walks of life, who love to sing... Fans and friends who thrill to the sound of harmony... The Barbershop Harmony Society extends throughout the world. Explore the people and principles we who make up SPEBSQSA.
Pond Lily Mill Restorations
Provides Information and Services Relating to Mill RestorationBridgeton Mill
The Bridgeton Mill is the oldest continually operating mill in Indiana. Our claim to fame is we have been open every year for over 180 years.Water Wheel Factory
The world's largest manufacturer of metal waterwheels. Waterwheel Factory shares it's knowledge about waterwheels and presents the beauty of waterwheels. Explore with us our many pages dealing with; water wheels in history, waterwheel reference calculations, and the many ways you can enjoy having your own waterwheel for landscape decoration, gristmill waterwheel restoration and waterwheels for
Finding and photographing old, unique, and unusual barns is a hobby enjoyed by many. Barns of particular interest at this site include: Ohio Bicentennial barns, round and polygonal barns, and barns with specific advertising painted on them, such as the Mail Pouch barns. Old Mail Pouch signs on buildings are also displayed at this site. The section on Mail Pouch barns contains barns & signs with all types of old tobacco advertising.The Mill at Anselma
Nestled along the Pickering Creek in Chester Springs, Pennsylvania, the Mill at Anselma is an extraordinary artifact of 250 years of Chester County’s industrial heritage. Constructed in c. 1747 by Samuel Lightfoot, the Mill retains its original Colonial-Era power train, as well as multiple layers of industrial equipment ranging from the late 1700s to the mid 1900s.The Country Grain Elevator
The Country Grain Elevator Historical Society was founded by Bruce Selyem and formally established as a nonprofit corporation in the state of Montana in 1995. The establishment of the Country Grain Elevator Historical Society is one way this heritage can be
The Society for the Preservation of Old Mills is an international organization which is dedicated by its constitution to: "promote interest in old mills and other Americana now quickly passing from the present scene. It reports to its members through a quarterly magazine...keeps files and maintains a library on mills...and acts as a clearing house on milling information among all those interested."
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