Cherrington's Mill
Lebanon Co. | Pennsylvania | USA
Watersource: Tributary to Mill Creek
Cherrington's Mill
Head SW of Newmanstown, Pa just south of US 422 in Mill Creek Township, Lebanon Co. on Pa 419 for less than one mile, turn left on S. Fort Zeller Road and go about one mile, keeping right when Zeller Road branches left. The Matthews Farm Complex should be a lane off the road near the creek.
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This 40'X 55' 2.5 story fieldstone/stuccoed grist mill seems to be quite old, probably from the firstcouple of decades in the 1800's. One unusual feature is the mill doors on the busines gable end of the mill that don't align to the center of the gable as most mill doors would.

The mill is located within the boundaries of the Matthews Farm complex just a little SE of Newmanstown, Millcreek Township, Lebanon Coungty, Pa.

No machinery remains in it, as most of the interior is unsafe with several holes in the flooring. It is used primarily for storage now. More info later.

The directions are a little vague, but if you get this far you will find it with a little perseverance. The farm complex is visible from the road.GPS: 40D 20.48'N, 76D 13.06'W ele 472'/144 meters Womelsdorf Quadrangle