Beason-Blommer Mill
Marion Co. | Iowa | USA
Watersource: Electrical-powered wheel
Beason-Blommer Mill
Pella is located 40 miles SE of Des Moines, Ia. on Ia 163. Turn left one block south of Washington St/Ia 163 onto Franklin St. and go one block to E. First St. The mill is in the Pella Historical Village at Franklin & E. First St.
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A restored mill in the Pella Historical village is actually a combination of two mills, the Beason Mill and the Blommer Mill. The Beason mill was built and operated around 1865 near Lynnville, Iowa on the North Skunk River. It was powered by the wooden water wheel which is now affixed to the north side of the mill.

The water wheel as it is now located on the north side, front end of the mill structure. The building was aquired through the combined efforts of Mr. John Graham, Lynnville, Ia. and Mr. Leonard Measdam, Pella, Ia. Future plans call for actual operation of the mill to grind grain using water to power the water wheel.

Water turbine on lower left and millstone set on sturdy table upper right.

License plates from 1919 & 1920 tacked to the wall inside Beason Mill. Not much info. on the website about this mill. Click on the website above the first photo, then on tuliptime and history to find the Beason-Blommer Mill mentioned.

The Blommer Mill originated in Pella in approximately 1859. "Wizard" pancake flour was one of its most sought after brands of flour. The Blommer Mill parts were secured with the determination of Elmer Giddell, Corp of Engineers, and Henry Van Weeldon, of Pella. Delis Witzenberg donated the cupola from an old barn. The Blommer Mill was in production until 1952, when it closed.

The Blommer Mill originated in Pella in approximately 1859. "Wizard" pancake flour was one of its most sought after brands of flour. The Blommer Mill parts were secured with the determination of Elmer Giddell, Corp of Engineers, and Henry Van Weeldon, of Pella. Delis Witzenberg donated the cupola from an old barn. The Blommer Mill was in production until 1952, when it closed.