Mitchell-Maskrey Mill
Jackson Co. | Iowa | USA
Watersource: Steam
Mitchell-Maskrey Mill
From Bellevue, Iowa on US 52, take Ia 62 southwest for 20 miles to Maquoketa, Iowa. At the junction of Ia 62 and Ia 64, take Ia 64(E. Platt St.) west 1 mile, turning left on S. Olive St. one block before Main St. One block on S. Olive to E. Pleasant St. brings up the mill on the northwest corner of the intersection.

The main mill building of Mitchell-Maskrey Mill is a 40'X 50' brick 3 story structure built on a limestone foundation in the downtown area.

The building is in good condition and is still in use as a feed mill dealing in Kent Feeds and Northrup King Seeds. Many of the old mills and most of the newer mills in the Midwest specialize in Kent Feeds.

The mill, built in 1885-1886, was built as a flour mill but in later years,was converted to a feed mill operation and is being used as such today to serve the area's farmers.

The mill was placed on the National Register of Historic Places on 8/9/91. The feed mill was added to as milling technologies demanded, to stay competitive.