Mill Details
Lewis Grist Mill
Chester Co. | Pennsylvania | USA
Known Dates: 1762
Township: West NantmealTwp.
Watersource: Trib. to Branch Of Brandywine Cr.
Watersource: Trib. to Branch Of Brandywine Cr.
Location / Directions
Lewis Grist Mill
Located 0.6 miles east of Cupola and the Cupola Mill on Creek Rd. and just off Creek Rd. onto Lewis Mills Rd. at the Br. Brandywine Creek.
Verse for Thought
"You know what is in everyone's heart. So from your home in heaven answer their prayers, according to what they do and what is in their hearts."
({2 Chronicles 6:30 CEV})

Jim Miller 10/23/1987
A mill built in 1762 of stone then covered in stucco. The mill is of 2.5 stories and measures about 35'X 45'.

Robert T. Kinsey 05/04/2007
The miller's house is across the road.

Brian Aspinall Summer 2007
The mill was for sale the late part of 2007/early 2008 and may be still.

Robert T. Kinsey 05/04/2007
The small sructure on the mill corner was possibly the mill office, or the mill may have been used as a barn later and a milk house added.

Robert T. Kinsey 05/04/2007
The small parking lot above the mill, also one down in front of the mill on the right side.

Robert T. Kinsey 05/04/2007
A view of the east exposure of the mill from the stone arch bridge.
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