Smith & Allen Woodworking Mill
Addison Co. | Vermont | USA
Watersource: Otter Creek.
Smith & Allen Woodworking Mill
The address is 1 Mill Street at the end of Park St., Middlebury, Vt. off the east side of Sh 30/Sh 125/Main Street at Otter Creek in the same proximity as Star Mill and Frog Hollow Old Stone Mill.
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![Smith & Allen Woodworking Mill](/images/mills/2690_Vt011101SmithAllenWoodworkingMill01rtk102212.jpg)
Clinton G. Smith and William H. Allen, a prominent architectural & Contracting Co., had their offices and mill in this building from 1877-1899.
![Smith & Allen Woodworking Mill](/images/mills/2693_Vt011101SmithAllenWoodworkingMill02rtk102212.jpg)
Then from 1900 - 1953, Ike L. Rodgers & Clarence C. Wells ran a house finishing and building supply business out of the old mill.
![Smith & Allen Woodworking Mill](/images/mills/2696_Vt011101SmithAllenWoodworkingMill03rtk102212.jpg)
A boardwalk near the rear of the mill gives access to the waterinlet and gate area.
![Smith & Allen Woodworking Mill](/images/mills/2699_Vt011101SmithAllenWoodworkingMill04rtk102212.jpg)
The concrete bracket suggests a possible large penstock supplied the water of Otter Creek to not only this mill, but also to the Star Mill and the Frog Hollow Mill.
![Smith & Allen Woodworking Mill](/images/mills/2701_Vt011101SmithAllenWoodworkingMill05valvertk102212.jpg)
The gate valve apparatus that opened and closed the water flow through the penstock behind this mill.
![Smith & Allen Woodworking Mill](/images/mills/2705_Vt011101SmithAllenWoodworkingMill06rtk102212.jpg)
The mill provided housing for an art studio, The Edgewater Gallery in 2012. It is not commonly know what purpose the mill served prior to 1877.GPS: 44' 0.79'N, 73' 10.17'W ele.348'/106 meters Middlebury Quadrangle