Mill Details

Geiger Grist Mil

Berks Co. | Pennsylvania | USA
Known Dates: c. 1780
Township: Robeson Twp.
Watersource: Hay Creek
Location / Directions

Geiger Grist Mil

In the boro. of Elverson, Ch ester Co., take Pa. 82 north from Pa. 23 for 2.5-3 miles. the mill is just south of town on right side of Pa. 82.

Geiger Grist Mil

A drab old 35'x45' stone/very old stucco in fair shape in Oct. 1992. The first P.O. of Geigertown was located in the corner, where the chimney emerges from the metal roofing, in the years when the mill was in operation. The mill was built by Paul Geiger in 1780, give or take a few years.

Geiger Grist Mil

A small mill pond , grassed-in, lies just south and behind the mill. The stone inlet area apears to have been controlled by a gate at one time. A 1783 wheelwrights shop is across the road straddling the creek. A blacksmith shop used to stand beside the wheelwright shop. A sawmill and cider press were originally behind the ww-shop. Also a stone schoolhouse remains further back on a side street. It apears to have been quite a self-sufficient community.

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