Mill Details

Linwood Mill & Elevator

Carroll Co. | Maryland | USA
Known Dates: 1866 or 1882
Township: New Windsor District #11
Watersource: Priestland Branch of Little Pipe Creek ?/ electric

Official Website:
Location / Directions

Linwood Mill & Elevator

This mill is located on McKinstry's Mill Road about 200 yards south of Md 75/Green Valley Road. The address is 421 McKinstry's Mill Rd.

Verse for Thought
"Silver and gold are tested by flames of fire; our thoughts are tested by the Lord."
({Proverbs 17:3 CEV})
Linwood Mill & Elevator
Robert T. Kinsey 11/12/2008

One source dates the mill as being built in 1882.

Linwood Mill & Elevator
Robert T. Kinsey 11/12/2008

Another source says it was built in 1866 by Josiah Engler. An 1862 map of the Linwood Station area shows Josiah Engler's residence very near the future mill location.

Linwood Mill & Elevator
Robert T. Kinsey 11/12/2008

The mill and 3.3 acres was offered for sale in 1986.

Linwood Mill & Elevator
Robert T. Kinsey 11/12/2008

In 1996 Donald Frye and Brad Bowman were running the Linwood Trading Co. headquartered in the old mill/elevator structure.

Linwood Mill & Elevator
Robert T. Kinsey 11/12/2008

In August 2001, the mill was owned by Steve Kerkam and was part of a Bed & Breakfast known as Wood's Grain B&B. There were rumors afoat at this time that the structures would be moved to a different location. Such has not happened.

Linwood Mill & Elevator
Phil Grout

The old Linwood Elevator is now owned by Blacksten's Mill LLC and is home to Relics Architectural Salvage store since Sept 2017.

Linwood Mill & Elevator
Robert T. Kinsey 11/12/2008

It is believed to be the second oldest building of this type (mill/elevator) in the US according to the Country Grain Elevator Historical Soc.

Linwood Mill & Elevator
Robert T. Kinsey 11/12/2008

In 2008 it looked like it was being used for storage. In 2017, the structure was being renovated for use as a warehouse/business to sell architectural salvage.

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