Mill Details

Riggs' Mill

Franklin Co. | Pennsylvania | USA
Known Dates: 1920--perhaps 1820?
Township: Southampton Twp.
Watersource: Middle Spring Creek.
Location / Directions

Riggs' Mill

From US 11 in Shippensburg, take Pa 696/N. Earl St. north about 1 mile to Bard Road. Turn left onto Bard Road which will become Old Mill Road. Drive less than 1 mile on Old Mill Rd, crossing Avon Drive. The mill will soon be approached on the right, just after crossing Middle Spring Creek.

Riggs' Mill
Robert T. Kinsey 03/12/2007

The 1.5 story frame mill with limstone foundation is pupposedly established in 1920.

Riggs' Mill
Robert T. Kinsey 03/12/2007

The condition of the limestone foundation seems to place the mills beginnings about 100 years earlier. A mill built in 1920 would have had concrete foundations unless this mill was rebuilt upon the older foundation.

Riggs' Mill
Robert T. Kinsey digital of watercolor by Henry Bentz '81

A watercolor of the mill painted in 1981 by Henry Bentz. 'Update: George Rothlingshofer said on 10/18/2018- Mill is gone. Sad.

Riggs' Mill
Robert T. Kinsey 03/12/2007

The mill operated into the late 1930's-early 1940's. Steam power was used in later years when the waterpower was inadequate to efficiently operate the mill.

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