Mill Details

Ortanna Roller Mills

Adams Co. | Pennsylvania | USA
Known Dates: u/k
Township: Hamiltonban Twp.
Watersource: Little Marsh Creek.
Location / Directions

Ortanna Roller Mills

From Gettysburg, take Pa 116 west 4 miles, turn right onto Knoxlyn-Ortanna Road, go 2.5 miles to Knoxlyn, contniue 3.5 miles to Carroll's tract Road & turn left toward Ortanna, Either on Carroll's Tract Road of north on Mt. Carmel Rd. at Little Marsh Creek.

Verse for Thought
"In heaven I have only you, and on this earth you are all I want. my body and mind may fail, but you are my strength and my choice forever."
({Psalms 73:25 & 26 CEV})
Ortanna Roller Mills
Robert T. Kinsey 11/16/2005

The faded letters of Ortanna Roller Mills can still be read across the front of the mill.

Ortanna Roller Mills
Robert T. Kinsey 11/16/2005

The small 2 story frame house is actually a log house sided over, built in the early 1700's.

Ortanna Roller Mills
Robert T. Kinsey 11/16/2005

The mill, no longer in operation and though not quite as old as the house, probably stems from the late 1700's-early 1800's.

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