William Vanetta Homestead, Grist Mill & Warehouse
Warren Co. | New Jersey | USA
Watersource: Little Lopatcong Creek.
William Vanetta Homestead, Grist Mill & Warehouse
Located just north of Lower Harmony near Ridge Road on Upper Belvidere Road/Ch 519, east side of the road.
The home and grist mill were on one side of Ch 519, while stables and warehouses were on the other. The rear of the home/mill. The side toward the road was the mill side.
William Vanatta bought John Hoff's Clover Mill and some acreage in 1860 and converted it to a grist mill using the same water source. A small mountain stream named the Little Lopatcong Creek. This structure is considered a summer kitchen.
Vanatta soon was producing about 100 bushels a day, operating the mill until he died in 1892. The depression coming from the boarded-over low door appears to be the remnant of the tailrace coming from the mill side of the building.
A current picture of the farmstead. For more go to www.facebook.com-Van-Nest-Hoff-Vannatta-Farmstead-119240701600018/
The barn on the Hoff-Vanatta Farmstead is called the W. Titman barn.
One source stated that he dammed up the Little Lopatcong Creek and built, next to the mill, a small home for the hired mill operator. This was a mile and a half south of his home in Upper Harmony.