Verbena Mill
Page Co. | Virginia | USA
Watersource: Naked Creek.
Verbena Mill
About 5 miles north of Elkton and 2.5 miles south of Shenandoah on US 340 at Naked Creek at the east side of the highway next to or behind the Moose Lodge.

This mill was built In 1935 by William E. & H.C. Hisey who created the area known as Verbena Park.

Placque dedicated to the earler Price Mill that was present on this site, built in 1803. The original grant was given from King George III in 1746 to Charles Cropson. The land was included in a 1783 grant from Bevery Randolph to Jacob Mire. Then in 1802, the land was transferred to George Price who built the first mill shown in the next photo in 1803.

Photo on commemorative interpretive sign at the Verbena Mill, depicting the earlier Price Mill.

The property owners since 1940 have been Floyd E. & Ann T. Stanley.