Mill Details

Tylersport Cigar Factory

Montgomery Co. | Pennsylvania | USA
Known Dates: c. 1850
Township: Salford Twp.
Watersource: Steam power/electricity

Location / Directions

Tylersport Cigar Factory

Exit I-476 at Milford interchange. Go east about a mile, turn right on Allentown Road and go 10 miles to Tylersport at Ridge Road. Turn left and the mill structure is about 200 yds. on the left side.

Verse for Thought
"I will give you treasures hidden in dark secret places. Then you will know that I, the Lord God of Israel, have called you by name."
({Isaiah 45:3 CEV})
Tylersport Cigar Factory
Jim Miller 06/19/2007

The old mill structure has been renovated into Star Antiques & Collectables, a retail antique store.

Tylersport Cigar Factory
Jim Miller 06/19/2007

The website listed the building as being asbestos and stone for the exterior walls. The siding may have been installed over the same black stone by which the foundation is constructed.

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