Spotts Grist Mill
Berks Co. | Pennsylvania | USA
Watersource: Manatawny Creek.
Spotts Grist Mill
Just east of Earlville on Pa 562 turn right/south onto Spotts Mill Road and go about 0.6 miles. Mill is on the right as the road makes a turn to the left/east. The road continues about 0.5 miles, junctions with Old Airport Road. A left turn leads back to Pa 562 after 0.5 miles.
The mill is a 35'X 55' 3.5 story fieldstone/limestone structure built about 1837 on the Manatawny Creek. A stone and frame 3 story addition on the south side of the main mill structure along with the mill comprised an early paper mill complex that later comverted to a grist mill.
David Rhoads had the paper mill and Jacob Weaver had the grist mill. Later an oil mill was added, but after about 70 years, the grist mill was all that remained, James High a later operator of that enterprise.
The inlet archway is just barely visible thruough the vegetation that has overtaken the mill. Some wholesale stipping of the brush and ivy is in order to prevent the compromising of the mills stability.
The miller's house is just a few feet north and across the gravel road. The mill was in fair condition in 1992, not operating, and has been revisited in July 2006.
The brick and frame portion on the left was no dought added for grain and feed storage in the process of custom grinding and mixing for local customer.