Mill Details

Skennah Creek Mill

Fannin Co. | Georgia | USA
Known Dates: 1848
Township: u/k
Watersource: Skeenah Creek
Location / Directions

Skennah Creek Mill

From Morgantown, Ga. just south of US 76, go 11 miles south on Sh 60 and turn left on Skeenah Gap Road. The mill is also 15 miles NW of Suches, Ga. on Sh 60 and 4 miles W of Margret, Ga. on US 60.

Verse for Thought
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me."
({Revelation 3:20 NKJV})
Skennah Creek Mill
Grady Allen, fall 2005

Skeenah Creek Mill was built by Willis Rabun Woody in 1848 near the junction of Sh 60 and Skeenah Gap Road. Not quite a mile north along Skeenah Creek, a road branches to the left that soon follows a tributary to Skeenah Creek named Woody Branch, named after the builder of the mill.

Skennah Creek Mill
Grady Allen, fall 2005

Willis Woody moved his family to this beautiful valley known to the Cherokee Indians as Skeenah, meaning "Big Bear".

Skennah Creek Mill
Grady Allen, fall 2005

The mill is listed in "Historic Mills of America", pages 46 and 47.

Skennah Creek Mill
Grady Allen, fall 2005

The mill is located in the Skeenah Creek Campground, at the intersection of Hwy. 60 and Skeenah Gap. Rd., 15 miles north of Suches Ga.

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