Mill Details

Site: Briggs Mill / Bryson Mill / Lambs Gap Mill

Cumberland Co. | Pennsylvania | USA
Known Dates: Early mill 1797, this mill 1839.
Township: Hampden Twp.
Watersource: Conodoquinet Creek.
Location / Directions

Site: Briggs Mill / Bryson Mill / Lambs Gap Mill

Go east of Hogetown at Pa 114 and US 11 junction for about 1.5 miles and turn left on Lambs Gap Road. Go another 0.35 miles to the mill along Conodoquinet Creek.

Verse for Thought
"Let the peoples praise You, Oh God; Let all the peoples praise You. Oh, let the nations be glad and sing for joy! For You shall judge the people righteously, and govern the nations on earth. Selah "
({Psalm 67:3&4 NKJV})
Site:  Briggs Mill / Bryson  Mill / Lambs Gap Mill
Pat Cook

An earlier mill on this site was built in 1797 and was the mill sold to Thomas Bryson by J. Briggs.

Site:  Briggs Mill / Bryson  Mill / Lambs Gap Mill
Pat Cook

In 1839, Joseph Briggs sold his mill to Thomas B. Bryson, who expanded the mill, making it one of the largest flour and grist mills in Cumberland County. The mill was about 2.5 miles east of the Willow Mill as the crow flies.

Site:  Briggs Mill / Bryson  Mill / Lambs Gap Mill
Pat Cook

The mill is being torn down now at the end of 2004 and the beginning of 2005,

Site:  Briggs Mill / Bryson  Mill / Lambs Gap Mill
Pat Cook 01/2005

The mill was about 2.5 miles east of the Willow Mill as the crow flies.

Site:  Briggs Mill / Bryson  Mill / Lambs Gap Mill
Pat Cook 01/2005

All ot the frame superstructure is gone with only the stone first story to tear down and haul away. Another industrial landmark of Cumberland County has disappeared.

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