SITE: Willow Glen Roller / Morgan Grist Mill
Berks Co. | Pennsylvania | USA
Watersource: Connestoga River.
SITE: Willow Glen Roller / Morgan Grist Mill
Exit I-76 on Pa 10 at Morgantown, Pa. Take Pa 10 south to Pa 23, turn left, then immediately right on Mill Road. Go about 1 mile to mill site on left just short of Valley Road. The site includes the miller's house and barn.
The mill site is marked off with millstones and a stone back wall just NW of the miller's stone house. A stone and frame barn completes the setting. The mill was built by John Kurtz in 1797. The 70'X 70' 3.5 stone mill had a 1300' headrace, a 1300' tailrace, and a dam height of 10'. One turbine and one overshot wheel powered the sometimes flour, grist and sawmill, with the maximum output of flour listed as 24 bbls/day. The mill was closed by Charles Kurtz in 1929 and sometime thereafter, either burned or was torn away. It was also known as John and Jacob Morgan's Grist Mill.