Mill Details

SITE: Willow Glen Roller / Morgan Grist Mill

Berks Co. | Pennsylvania | USA
Known Dates: 1797, closed 1929.
Township: Caernarvon Twp.
Watersource: Connestoga River.
Location / Directions

SITE: Willow Glen Roller / Morgan Grist Mill

Exit I-76 on Pa 10 at Morgantown, Pa. Take Pa 10 south to Pa 23, turn left, then immediately right on Mill Road. Go about 1 mile to mill site on left just short of Valley Road. The site includes the miller's house and barn.

Verse for Thought
"A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, but the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous."
({Proverbs 13:22 NKJV})
SITE: Willow Glen Roller  / Morgan Grist Mill

The mill site is marked off with millstones and a stone back wall just NW of the miller's stone house. A stone and frame barn completes the setting. The mill was built by John Kurtz in 1797. The 70'X 70' 3.5 stone mill had a 1300' headrace, a 1300' tailrace, and a dam height of 10'. One turbine and one overshot wheel powered the sometimes flour, grist and sawmill, with the maximum output of flour listed as 24 bbls/day. The mill was closed by Charles Kurtz in 1929 and sometime thereafter, either burned or was torn away. It was also known as John and Jacob Morgan's Grist Mill.

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