Mill Details

Reedsburg Farmers Co-op

Sauk Co. | Wisconsin | USA
Known Dates: Late 1800's
Township: N/A
Location / Directions

Reedsburg Farmers Co-op

This mill is located on the corner of Railroad Sreett and S. Walnut Sreett in the town of Reedsburg. The address is 300 S. Walnut Sreett, Sauk County, Reedsburg, Wi.

Verse for Thought
Rejoice in glorious hope! Our Lord, the Judge, shall come And take His servants up to their eternal home. "Rejoice, the Lord Is King" by Charles Wesley 1707-1788
({From the Nazarene hymnal - Sing to te Lord})
Reedsburg Farmers Co-op
Robert T. Kinsey 07/29/2008

The building was built in the late 1800's. It was first used as a warehouse before becoming a feed mill c. 1930's.

Reedsburg Farmers Co-op
Robert T. Kinsey 07/29/2008

The mill is located at 300 S. Walnut Sreett, Sauk County, Reedsburg, Wisconsin.

Reedsburg Farmers Co-op
Robert T. Kinsey 07/29/2008

The mill/feedstore is a Land O’ Lakes Felco elevator featuring, Murphy Feeds (Cut-Co) & Garst Seeds. Land O’ Lakes Felco is the trade mark for Land O’ Lakes, Inc., Arden Hills, Mn.

Reedsburg Farmers Co-op
Robert T. Kinsey 07/29/2008

GPS: 43° 31.84'N, 90° 0.48'W 886'/270 meters Reedsburg West Quadrangle

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