Pickering Mill
Chester Co. | Pennsylvania | USA
Watersource: Pickering Creek.
Pickering Mill
The mill sits on the southwest corner of Pike Springs Road/Pa 113 and Yellow Springs Road about five miles west of Kimberton at Chester Springs.
In 1918, a feed store, Pickering Mill, was built on the corner of Yellow Springs Road & Red Lion Road.
It was operated until 1946 by Harvey Detwiler, followed by Elwood Loughan and Oliver Mosteller.
The was a lodge hall using the upper story, but today, only grain chutes, rusted gears, trap doors and an old safe are mostly all that remains of the old mill & store.
The original 3 story building was added onto many times and was used for many businesses and crafts since closing as a mill and feed store.
It was a nursery, shops, a gallery, exercise studio, & restaurants.
The current makeover into The Shoppes at Pickering Mill has added to the buildings quaintness and history by utilizing much of the mill features, hardwood flooring, wooden beams, stonework, & chutes and slides of the former old mill.
Restoration began in 2004.