Mill Details

Pennock Mill

Chester Co. | Pennsylvania | USA
Known Dates: Early to mid 1800's
Township: Franklin Twp.
Watersource: Middle Branch of White Clay Creek.
Location / Directions

Pennock Mill

South of West Grove on Sh 841 about 4 miles at the west side of the corner near the junction with Church Hill Road and Schoolhouse Road (north section) with Sh 841 just north of Kelton Pennocks Bridge Road.

Verse for Thought
"I will still be the same when you are old and gray, and I will take care of you. I created you. I will carry you and always keep you safe."
({Isaiah 46:4 CEV})
Pennock Mill
Jim Miller 06/12/2007

The mill was part of a farmtead in southwestern Chester County. The date is unknown, but it looks to be from the early to middle 1800's.

Pennock Mill
Jim Miller 06/12/2007

The mill was once a comb factory and most recently was and still is used to raise mushrooms, hence the reasion the windows are boarded up and filled in with cinder block.

Pennock Mill
jim Miller 06/12/2007

The brick portion with the stone foundation is approximately 38'X 45'. The frame part continues back from the brick for about 16' then measures about 50'-55' across the rear and extends out to the southwest.

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