Mill Details
Mohr Saw Mill / aka-Seidel's Do-Well Forge
Berks Co. | Pennsylvania | USA
Known Dates: Forge 1876
Township: Robeson Twp.
Watersource: Seidel Creek.
Watersource: Seidel Creek.
Location / Directions
Mohr Saw Mill / aka-Seidel's Do-Well Forge
The mill is located on Golf Course Road, about 0.6 miles south of Old River Road. The mill sits on the east side of the road. From Birdsboro, go west on Old River Road about 2.3 miles to Golf Course Road.
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Robert T. Kinsey 01/18/2012
This site was originally developed by Jonathan Seidel as the Do-Well Forge.

Robert T. Kinsey 01/18/2012
It was later operated by his son, Reuben, and Isaac Mohr.

Robert T. Kinsey 01/18/2012
The saw mill carriage and track with some oak logs stacked behind. On the 1876 atlas it is noted as the I. Mohr Forge.

Robert T. Kinsey 01/18/2012
The circular blade of the mills saw and the carraiage with its levers for moving the log. More recently it housed a cider mill and a saw mill. In 2012 it looks like the saw mill is still used.

Robert T. Kinsey 01/18/2012
GPS: 40' 16.52'N, 75' 51.95'W ele. 289'/88 meters Birdsboro Quadrangle
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