Minden Flour Milling Co.
Douglas Co. | Nevada | USA
Watersource: Non water-powered.
Minden Flour Milling Co.
Located on US Hwy 395 at 6th Street in downtown Minden.
The 1906 mill, constructed of concrete, brick, steel & metal, was designed by Morgan, Allis Chalmers at Virginia & Truckee Railroad's southern terminus in Minden. The 100 barrel/day of flour mill operated until the 1960's. The mill abandoned but not delapidated, was placed on the National Rigister of Historic Places on 11/14/1978. A model has been made in "HO" scale for model railroaders by C.C. Crow, PO Box 1427, Mulkilteo, Wa. 98275. Web site: www.cccrow.com/pages/mfm-pg.html
The mill was built for the Dangberg Co. which also built the Minden Wool Warehouse and the Minden Creamery. The board of directors included local family namessuch as: Springmeyer, Dangberg, & Dressler. Dangberg was also then owner of a large ranch outside of town. The four boiler-plated silos could hold 65,000 bushels of grain. A steam plant for rolling barley was attached to the mill. A similar mill existed in nearby Gardnerville. Minden Mills four came to be in such demand that the mill was hard-pressed to keep up production to meet the demand.