Mill Details

J. Frank Fickes Warehouse

Perry Co. | Pennsylvania | USA
Known Dates: 1877 & 1891
Township: Oliver Twp / Newport Boro.
Watersource: Non water-powered
Location / Directions

J. Frank Fickes Warehouse

Located at the corner of N. Fourth/ SH 849 & Walnut Sts., two blocks north of the intersection where Sh 34 turns right off Sh 849 to the east over the Susquehanna ZRiver.

Verse for Thought
"Everything the Lord does is glorious and majestic, and his power to bring justice will never end."
({Psalm 11:3 CEV})
J. Frank Fickes Warehouse
Robert T. Knisey 12/07/2006

This building was never a grist mill, but it was a very important part of the agricultural business in Perry Co. The first mention of a mill at this location was in 1891 when W. H. Kepner was assessed with a grain & feed warehouse.

J. Frank Fickes Warehouse
Robert T. Kinsey 12/07/2006

Groceries were also sold at the warehouse during this time. Part of Kepner's advertising included cardboard fans with the following poem written on them: "If you're fat, fan fast, if you're thin, fan slow, when in need of groceries and sugar cured hams, let Kepner know."

J. Frank Fickes Warehouse
Robert T. Kinsey 12/07/2006

In the late 1890's J. Frank Fickes, who was married to Kepner's daughter, took over the operation. He operated a grain elevator and feed business. He then sold the building to E. Guy Kepner in 1943, who made several changes to the building.

J. Frank Fickes Warehouse
Robert T. Kinsey 12/07/2006

Larry Henry purchased it from Kepner in 1976 to run a variety store. The building today is Henry's Electronic Center, home of telephones, cb radios, Verizon wireless and the Dish network installation agent.

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