Gambrill's Mill / Araby Mill
Frederick Co. | Maryland | USA
Watersource: Brush Creek.
Gambrill's Mill / Araby Mill
This mill is located at 4801 Urbana Pike/Sh 355 off Araby Court E. The mill sits back off the east side of the road about one mile south of the city of Frederick.

Built in 1830 on land originally owned by James Marshall. The mill was sold in 1855 to James H. Gambrill.

Ganbrill owned and operated the mill through the Civil War and on into the 1890's, making quite a success of the operation, as is evidenced in the beauty and granduer of his adjacent home "Edgewood".

The mill, powered by Brush Creek - a tributary to the Monocacy River, was a three story and half merchant flour mill, operating with two runs of buhrstones turned by an overshot wheel, probably located internally.

The concern included a sawmill, a chopping/plaster mill & the miller's 1.5 story home.

A cooperage was also a part of the mills buildings, providing barrels for the transporting of the flour. Three mill hands worked the flour mill, which produced about 60 barrels/day. A barrel contained 196 lbs. of flour.

A trace of the tailrace still exists today, although a story & a half were taken down in the 1920's when the mill was converted to a dwelling.

Today the mill, which served as a field hospital during the War Between the States, serves as offices for National Park Service staff, as the mill is located within the Monocacy Battlefield grounds.