Charles Weller's Mill
Fulton Co. | Pennsylvania | USA
Watersource: Big Cove Creek.
Charles Weller's Mill
From McConnellsburg, go south on US 522 about 3.5 miles to Pa 379/Rock Hill Road on the right. Turn onto Rock Hill Road and go 0.2 miles to the creek. The mill is situated on the southeast corner of the road and the creek.
Members of the Nesbitt family, who lived adjacent to the mill in both 1873 and 1916, might have run this mill; however, in 1916, it was known as Charles Weller's Mill. The map of Ayr Twp. in the Atlas of Fulton County, Pennsylvania compiled and published by Frank P. Plessinger indicates this location as Charles Weller's Mill in 1916.
Margaret Kendall, a local resident, recorded a visit to the mill in her day book for August 15, 1916 reporting that she bought a sack of bran for $1.25 at Weller's Mill.
The mill was adapted for use as a cider mill during the mid-1930's and this operation continued until sometime around World War II. The mill was remodeled as a private residence by O. J. Shaw in the 1950's.