Mill Details

Caldwell/Armstrong Mill

Chester Co. | Pennsylvania | USA
Known Dates: u/k
Township: East Fallowfield Twp.
Watersource: West Br. Brandywine Creek.

Official Website:
Location / Directions

Caldwell/Armstrong Mill

About 4 miles SE of Coatesville from Bus US 30 at the intersection of Strasburg Road and Laurel Road in the village of Mortonville. On the left side of Laurel Road.

Verse for Thought
Born Thy people to delivewr, Born a Child and yet a King, Born to reign in us forever, Now Thy gracious kingdom bring. "COm, Tou Long-expected Jesus" by Charles Wesley
({From the Nazarene hymnal - Sing to the Lord})
Caldwell/Armstrong Mill
Jim Miller 11/1987

An almost square mill of stone 2 stories high with a flat roof. In November 1987, someone had framed another partial story to make 3 stories, but this was only framework. Looked as though it had been given up for a lost cause. Also a very large crack running up the left side wall near the rear wall of about one foot width. There was a Century 21 sale sign in front of the mill which fronts up onto Laurel Road short of 6 feet. The mill may not be standing today, the year 2000, given it's condition in 1987.

Caldwell/Armstrong Mill
Jim Miller 06/11/2007

Part of the mill is still there. In 2007 through 2009, the old mill shell has been the centerpiece of advertisement for the Brandywine Outfitters, Inc., a canoe rental business for running the creek.

Caldwell/Armstrong Mill
Robert T. Kinsey 01/04/2009

Twenty-two yearrs later, The entire back half of the mill has crumbled away, with very little remaining to tell the tale of many years of rural industry.

Caldwell/Armstrong Mill
Jim Miller 06/11/2007

A closer look at the inside of the front (Laurel Road) and Strasburg Road, far left, of the remains of the once thriving business.

Caldwell/Armstrong Mill
Robert T. Kinsey 01/04/2009

Looking down on the inlet to the mill from Strasburg Road. The mill wheel or turbine was probably located between the lerge stone backwall of the mill and the concrete wing on the right, below the inlet hole in the near concrete wall.

Caldwell/Armstrong Mill
Jim Miller 06/11/2007

The southeast corner of the mill by the large boarded-up doorway has a fireplace and chimney running up through the front wall.

Caldwell/Armstrong Mill
Robert T. Kinsey 01/04/2009

The Brandywine River as seen from the stone arch bridge on Stasburg Road by the mill in Mortonville.

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