Mill Details

Biesecher's Mill

York Co. | Pennsylvania | USA
Known Dates: Earlier mill 1775, this mill 1843
Township: Jackson Twp.
Watersource: L. Conewago Cr.
Location / Directions

Biesecher's Mill

Eight miles west of York on Pa 234 (East Berlin Rd.) turn right onto Biesecher Rd. for 0.5 mile. Mill & millhouse are on the left at the corner.

Verse for Thought
"You have considered my trouble; You have known my soul in adversities."
({Psalm 31:7 NKJV})
Biesecher's Mill
Jim Miller 11/01/92

A 3.5 story brick mill 60x60 feet with various brick add-ons. Was still operating as a 3rd generation feed mill as of November 1992. Very good condition in a scenic pastoral location.

Biesecher's Mill
Jim Miller 11/01/92

A 21 ft. internal waterwheel is still present in the mill in fair condition. About 0.5 miles down the road is a camelback bridge in a field on the left.

Biesecher's Mill
Robert T. Kinsey 02/04/05

* Update: The mill is for sale and 2.75 acres. The 21 foot waterwheel is gone from the mill; however, Wolf Brand stands of roller mills are there along with flour sifters and mixers. Graham Sanders 01/04/05*

Biesecher's Mill
Robert T. Kinsey 02/04/05

*Update: This mill was built in 1843 but I don't know by who. There was an earlier mill on this site built in 1775. The mill was still operating in 1977 by John Biesecker & Family. The mill is not operational in 2005. Robert T. Kinsey 02/14/2006*

Biesecher's Mill

*Update: I am the owner of the Biesecker Mill in Jackson Township, York County, PA. I need to generate some additional income form the property in order to cover expenses until I can get my plans for restoration and redevelopment under way. I have a large amount of storage space available in the mill - over 10,000 square ft., and will beat any local advetised rates. I will also look at any other innovative ways of generating income from the property to help keep my project afloat. I would appreciate any help, guidance, suggestions from anyone interested in hepling to preserve this beautiful old building. Eric Bickleman 04/30/2009* Location: (ADC Map #19, k 13).

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