Beidelman's Mill
Lehigh Co. | Pennsylvania | USA
Watersource: Trib. to Saucon Creek
Beidelman's Mill
Turn right onto Station Ave. from Pa 309, 0.25 miles south of Pa 378 exit at Center Valley. Travel on Station Ave. for about 3.5 miles into \Spring Valley keeping left at the "T". Make a left at Weyhill Rd. in the village. Immediately Franklin Lane goes right, a very narrow lane. The mill is the second building beyond the junction of Franklin Lane & Weyhill Rd. on either street near the stream.
Mill is a smaller 2.5 story by 30'x 40' stucco-over-stone building. Mill is very near the Lehigh/Northampton Co. line. Two brothers, Ephraim & Sylvanus Beidelman operated the mill. The mill was fed from springs originating near the Franklin School House into a dam about 500 yds. above the mill.
The mill had been converted to a residence sometime before Nov. 1987, with the two lower doors and right lower window blocked in with masonry. The right side front window has been altered to a larger, recessed window.
The mill is very near the Slifer's Store & Post Office (known as Sauconia), formerly owned by William Slifer. James Gramley became the mill proprietor after Sylvanus died, running the mill into the early 1900's, when it was abandoned for a time.
Catshead was still in place however and upper door had some sort of louvers instead of the customary door.
The former tailrace that leads back to the Saucon Creek. GPS: 40' 33.07N, 75' 21.56W 394' elevation measured in Degrees & Decimal Minutes
A large stone farmhouse at 1379 Station Ave. just north of the Weyhill Road near the mill.
The stone farmhouse, facing toward Spring Valley Road, was built in 1806.
A springhouse across Station Ave. from the above farmhouse. Rather large for a springhouse, it may have also doubled as a wash house.