Bahn's Mill
York Co. | Pennsylvania | USA
Watersource: Fishing Creek.
Bahn's Mill
Located just north of Pa 624 at Bahn's Mill Road about 1.5 miles east of Winsor and 0.5 miles west of Bittersweet.

Built in 1811 as a 2.5 story stone grist mill by Simon Anstein.

The eventual 4 story stone & frame grist mill/feed mill once used a 6 foot steel overshot wheel to power the mechanisms.

The mill name on a part of the frame addition to the mill. The mill remained in the Anstein/Anstine family until it was sold to Bahn in 1919.
This is the Millers house at Bahn's Mill, York Co, Pa.

In 1977, the mill was still being operated as Bahn's Mill Inc. In 2005, the mill had closed and part of the mill was being used as Larry's Custom Motorcycles.

As of July 2007, the large two story shed roof had been removed.

A view from the west as seen when approaching the mill from Windsor.