Sanborn Grist Mill
Merrimack Co. | New Hampshire | USA
Watersource: Sanborn Brook.
Sanborn Grist Mill
From Loudon, NH, go northeast on SR 129 to Pittsfield Rd on the right. Turn right and drive to Sanborn Road, a dirt road, on the left. Turn onto Sanborn and drive to the mill at 7097 Sanborn Road.
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The original grist mill was built in 1830 by Theodore Fornum Elliott for Edmund Sanborn. The saw mill was also built by Elliott c 1830.

The mill building measures about 30 feet x 53 feet.

The dam for the grist mill appears to be raised of lowered through the use of planks inserted in the dam face.

This view of east end of the mill near the dam allows a visual of the saw mill across the road.

A gable-roofed wing covers the penstock at the rear of the main building and extends to the adjacent pond.

Water from the impoundment enters the mill through the penstock, powers the stones, and exits in the photo. Right now, the wheel is being bypassed.

Although maybe not presently in production, the mill retains its bolters, elevators, and other machinery, all powered by a tubwheel and a wooden turbine.

Evidence inside the mill suggests that it formerly had two sets of stones instead of the single set presently available for use.

The mill was in production into the mid-1990's, then the dams broke on the grist and saw mills, and the ponds were low to dry. The dams appear to have been repaired since with resultant ponds fairly full in 2014.

Handle on right of shaft of a cog gear running up the post, this very likely adjusts the opening of the penstock, to allow variations of water flow to power the equipment.

The upper stone having been pulled from the nether for repair or sharpening.

The area is very picturesque. Colin Cabot, 7097 Sanborn Road, Loudon, NH 03301, is the owner and he welcomes visitors. It's best to phone ahead to make sure someone is available to show the mill; 603-435-7314.GPS: 43D 20.04'N, 71D 23.08'W ele 692'/211 meters