Mill Details
John Hulme Grist Mill / Milford Mills
Bucks Co. | Pennsylvania | USA
Known Dates: 1881
Township: Middletown Twp. / Hulmeville Boro.
Watersource: Neshaminy Creek / also steam power.
Watersource: Neshaminy Creek / also steam power.
Location / Directions
John Hulme Grist Mill / Milford Mills
Located 0.5 miles north of I-276/Pa. Turnpike in Hulmeville on Pa 513 beside the Neshaminy Creek.
Verse for Thought
"Those members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary."
({1 Corinthians 12:22 NKJV})

Jim Miller 04/1983
A large mill, 40'X 80'X 3 stories, constructed of stone and covered with dark tan stucco, also having part of the main structure comprised of wood. The wooden portion is on the left, 40'X 20'X 3 stories, figured into the already stated size. Another wooden addition is on the creekside of unknown proportions.

Jim Miller 04/1983
The grist mill was also early known as Milford Mills, then the name of the town. In later years, the mill was utilized by J.P.Frick Rope & Twine Manufacturing. Production of rope and twine ceased in 1976, and in 1983, the mill was known as the Old Mill Flea Mart.
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