Mill Details
Martin's Feed Mill / Martin's Feed & Fertilizer Inc.
Centre Co. | Pennsylvania | USA
Known Dates: 1950's
Township: Penn Twp.
Watersource: Penns Creek.
Watersource: Penns Creek.
Official Website: facebook.com/martinsfeed/photos_stream?ref=page_internal
Location / Directions
Martin's Feed Mill / Martin's Feed & Fertilizer Inc.
Go about 2 miles south of Millheim, Pa on Sr 2011. Keep left onto Main Street and cross Pine Creek when Sr 2011 angles right. The address is 534 Main St in the village of Coburn.
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Verse for Thought
"Man of Sorrows"-- what a name, For the Son of God who came Ruined sinners to reclaim. Hallelujah! what a Savior! "Hallelujah! What a Savior" by Philip Bliss 1838-1866
({From the Nazarene hymnal - Sing to the Lord})

Robert T. Kinsey 12/01/2011
Probably never water-powered, although possibly an earlier mill at this site would have been.

Robert T. Kinsey 12/01/2011
A local man said the mill goes back to the 1950's.

Robert T. Kinsey 12/01/2011
The Martin family no longer owns the mill, which is still operating under new ownership.

Robert T. Kinsey 12/01/2011
A local full-service feed mill and Purina dealerproviding house and custom feeds, Purina feeds, and bulk and bagged commodities; seeds, fertilizers, and agricultural chemicals; farm supplies, animal health items, and Fertrell organic products.

Robert T. Kinsey 12/01/2011

Robert T. Kinsey 12/01/2011
GPS: 40D 51.74'N, 77D 27.89'W ele 1,053'/321 meters Coburn Quadrangle
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