Mill Details

Donnally's Mill

Perry Co. | Pennsylvania | USA
Known Dates: 1765
Township: Tuscarora Twp.
Watersource: Raccoon Ctreek.
Location / Directions

Donnally's Mill

Located about 5 miles SW of Millerstown, Pa. on Pa 17. The mill is on the left side 0f the road along Raccoon Cr.

Verse for Thought
"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."
({Matthew 5:5 KJV})
Donnally's Mill
Jim Miller 10/1992

The 3 story limestone mill with some dark sandstone quions on the corners was built in 1765 by Henry Bull in the community of Donnally's Mill. Michael Donnally repaired and improved the mill in 1836. The mill race that used to service the mill was filled in when Pa 17 was widened several years ago. Mill was in decent condition in October 1992, although no machinery remains in the mill.

Donnally's Mill

The mill was also listed for sale around 2002 along with a small frame house bordering the property.

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