Sharer's/Donegal Mill
Lancaster Co. | Pennsylvania | USA
Watersource: Donegal Springs Run (Donegal Creek)
Sharer's/Donegal Mill
Three miles south of Pa. 230 from Mt. Joy on Pa. 772 at Donegal Cr. just east of junc. with Rock Point Rd. to the right.
![Sharer's/Donegal Mill](/images/mills/Pa-36-11-04-Sharers-DonegalMill.jpg)
The 3.5 story, 47'x57' limestone grist mill, is on the left side of Pa. 772 by Donegal Cr. Large limestone millhouse sits across the road with stonework of the millrace nearby, to carry the race under the highway. Three doors to a sack lift on both gable ends. Three dormer windows on highway side plus unusual barn-type, metal air vent/circulation fixtures.
![Sharer's/Donegal Mill](/images/mills/ACF5441.jpg)
Henry Sharer built this new mill on the south side of the Marietta/Mt. Joy Turnpike in 1804. Date stones either side of the middle, second story roadside windows. There was a 1300' headrace and a 1000' tailrace plus an 8' drop from the water source to the mill forebay. The mill operated as a flour and grist mill during it running years as well as a distillery at some point. Production was about 10 barrels/day. This photo, derived from Harvey Kauffman via his grandson Bruce Pinkerton, was taken in 1897 of the Hoerner Mill. (bag hoist). An earlier log mill, 1.5 stories x 25'x40', was built in 1721 on the north side of the road by John Galbraith. This mill passed to John Bayly in 1757, and the Baylys or Baily owned the mill until Henry Share (Sharer) bought the "old mill" in 1794.The old mill was only two miles from his home in Marietta on Pa 772.
![Sharer's/Donegal Mill](/images/mills/ACF913F.jpg)
A closer view of the box-spring wagon by Hoerner's Mill in 1897. Harvey Kauffman may actually be the 15 year old holding the horses, as Harvey and his brother were frequent customers of the mill. An earlier log mill, 1.5 stories x 25'x40', was built in 1721 on the north side of the road by John Galbraith. This mill passed to John Bayly in 1757, and the Baylys or Baily owned the mill until Henry Share (Sharer) bought the "old mill" in Harvey may be the 15 year old holding the mules hitched to the box-spring wagon. Notice the millworker in the 4th floor doorway under the catshead (bag hoist). From 1824, owners or renters were; Henry Sharer, Jacob Strickler, John Stauffer, Henry Heistand, and J.Brant. Later owner, P. E. Wolgemuth closed the mill in 1931. It has since been a barn, chicken dwelling, and lately for storage. It has been taken care of and is an item worthy of preservation for future generations.
![Sharer's/Donegal Mill](/images/mills/Pa-36-11-04-Sharers-DonegalMill-4.jpg)
Historical records don't show the mill owned by a Hoerner, but an 1875 East Donegal Twp. Atlas indicates there were two Hoerner landowners adjacent to the mill property. Hoerner's ownership must have been between Hiestand's and Brandt's ownership, or perhaps he was merely a renter/operator. Notice the house in the background and the tree in left foreground, cooresponding to the same objects in the 1897 photograph.
UPDATE: Hoerner Mill picture of 1897 and info of same supplied by Harvey Kauffman's grandson, Bruce Pinkerton of Newark, De.