C.J. Hess Mill / Shade Gap Feed & Flour Mill
Huntingdon Co. | Pennsylvania | USA
Watersource: Shade Creek.
C.J. Hess Mill / Shade Gap Feed & Flour Mill
From the junction of Srs 35, 641, & US 522 in Shade Gap go north on US 522 for 0.1 miles to the mill located on the right side of the highway.

The grist mill was built in 1846 by Brice & Blair.

An earlier saw mill once associated with the grist mill was built in 1820.

Both mills were owned by S. & N. Price in 1883.

Clarence J. Hess aquired the mill in the late 1800's/early 1900's.

C.J.'s son, Donald G. "Alvey" Hess who was born in 1920, worked at the Shade Gap Feed & Flour Mill for 30 years as a miller before stepping down to a less strenuous job. Alvey Hess died at the Morgan County War Memorial Hospital in Berkley Springs, W. V. in 2004.

*Update: After the death of C.J.Hess Sr., the mill was owned and operated by C.J.Hess Jr., until his death in 1974. The mill was sold to Gerald Booher in 1976. Asonia Hess Wolf 08/26/2009* The mill operated with water power up to c.1960 and is still operating as a livestock feed mill in the community of Shade Gap, Pa.