Mill Details

Faler Feed Mill

Fairfield Co. | Ohio | USA
Known Dates: 1936
Township: Bloom Twp.
Watersource: Electric powered

Location / Directions

Faler Feed Mill

Located in Lithopolis at 4360 Cedar Hill Road/Ch 6, at of near the junction with Lithopolis Road/Ch 39.

Verse for Thought
"None of us know our faults.Forgive me when I sin without knowing it."
({Psalm 19:12 CEV})
Faler Feed Mill
Robert T.Kinsey 04/03/2008

The mill was built by a Mr. Faler in 1936. The mill/elevator was the location of a drag race on Cedar Hill Road in the 1980's movie, "Mischief", dipicting teen life in 1950's America.

Faler Feed Mill
Robert T. Kinsey 04/03/2008

Additions have been added over the years to keep the firm competative. The mill is still operated by the Faler family in 2008.

Faler Feed Mill
Robert T. Kinsey 04/03/2008

A view of the working area of the mill. Using up-to-date equipment, the business seems to be prosperous.

Faler Feed Mill
Robert T. Kinsey 04/03/2008

Many interconnected buildings and storage bins enable Faler Feed to store grains and corn prior to processing, also fertilizers, lime, etc.

Faler Feed Mill
Robert T. Kinsey 04/03/2008

The addition of a retail store on the end of the mill ensured that Faler Feed kept current with other mills in the area.

Faler Feed Mill
Robert T. Kinsey 04/03/2008

All kinds of animal and pet supplies & medications, farm fencing materials, other farm supplies, even candy bars can be found for purchase.

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