Mill Details
Emery Mill
Chester Co. | Pennsylvania | USA
Known Dates: u/k
Township: Honeybrook Twp.
Watersource: Big Conewago Creek.
Watersource: Big Conewago Creek.
Location / Directions
Emery Mill
From the town of Honey Brook, drive south on Pa 10/Pequea Ave., then Honeybrook Road/Pa 10 for a total of 1.3 miles to an intersection with Cambridge Rd. Turn right (west) on Cambridge and go 0.7 miles. As you cross the Honey Brook Creek, the mill will be on your right about 200' from the creek.
Verse for Thought
"It is usless to get up early and stay up late in order to earn a living. God takes care of his own, even while they sleep."
({Psalm 127:2 CEV})

Robert T. Kinsey 03/21/2007
A 1.5 story stuccoed stone with basement grist mill just east of Cambridge, Pa. on Cambridge Road.

Robert T. Kinsey 03/21/2007
An 1883 Atlas of Chester Co. lists the landowner as Geo. I. Emery. Today the owner is George Emry?

Robert T. Kinsey, 03/21/2007, edited-Jim Miller
The hub on the outside of the mill may have been for a steel waterwhell attachment or may have been used more recently as a belt attachment for using a tractor or earlier a steam engine to power the mill.

Robert T. Kinsey 03/21/2007
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