Breck's Mill
New Castle Co. | Delaware | USA
Watersource: Brandywine Creek.
Breck's Mill
South on Sh 100 Past Wintherthur, Montchanin to Greenville-Henry Clay area. Angle left on Sh 52/Kennett Pike, then left on Breck's Lane to Main St. The mill is near the Hagley Museum Complex

Breck's Mill was built in 1814 as a cotton spinning mill along the banks of the Brandywine Creek. Located in New Castle County, De., William Breck purchased the mill in 1835 and it became known as Breck's Mill.

In 1848, a severe fire swept through the mill interior, which, was very quickly rebuilt and back in operation. Over the years, ownership of The mill changed ownership quite a few times through the years and, in 1970, was donated to the Hagley Foundation in 1970.

In the years of multiple ownerships, the mill spent time as a cotton mill, a woolen mill, then a recreation center, and finally tbecame the Hagley Community House. Walker's Mill is visible across the Brandywine Creek.

The Summerville Manning Gallery is found in Breck’s Mill on the second floor. Also the Andre Harvey Studio is found there at 101 Stone Block Row, top floor. Both galleries specialize in 20th & 21st century art.

The headrace to the mill, located in front of the mills tower/front facade.

The Summerville Manning Gallery is found in Breck’s Mill on the second floor.

Also the Andre Harvey Studio is found there at 101 Stone Block Row, top floor. Both galleries specialize in 20th & 21st century art.

The mill ia a part of the Henry Clay Village, which in part belongs to the Hagley Museum Complex. GPS: Latitude: 39° 46.22N, Longitude: 75° 34.74W